X-ray Installation

We work closely with the clinic, the practice managers, builders, electricians and relevant compliance officers to ensure that the installation at each clinic goes smoothly and within the guidelines of the legislation of each state or territory.

We follow the manufacturer guidelines combined with relevant Department of Health or EPA guidelines for room shielding plans and designs prior to begining our installation process.

With a thorough checklist, we also go through this with our clients prior to begining any installation work.

Our Data Cabling team can get involved should the X-ray rooms require Internet Data Points brought in, Our Electrical contractors get invovled if you don’t have your own electrician, and we work with RadTest Australia should you require your Shielding Plans conducted. All in all, we try and take the guess work out of the equation for you, and ensure that all the X-ray Installation work is conducted accordingly and appropriately.

Upon completing the installation, we can then arrange for the Compliance Testing to be conducted and you will be issued with your relevant certificates.

Having worked with installations in over 300 clinics Australia wide, and servicing even more, we have learnt some of the best methods of conducting our installations, even in the most difficult and strange places. We have installed X-ray systems in Brick, Concrete, Wood and even Glass based rooms.